Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hair Vitamins: Prevent Hair Loss!

There are a lot of things that people notice about a certain person. Some people notice that person’s smile or the eyes and sometimes, people first notice a person’s hair. Strong and shiny hair can boost the confidence of a person. Most people even say that they would rather dress badly than lose their hair. The hair is one of the most important assets of a person. This is the reason why a lot of people give so much importance to their hair in fact they even take hair vitamins for the hair which is basically vitamins that are available in most healthy diets which is sadly not something everyone pays attention to! These hair loss vitamins for prevention are known to make hair more shiny and lustrous.

Both men and women suffer from hair loss. Men are more likely to lose their hair than women and hair loss for them usually starts at the crown area or the sides of the hair. Women’s hair on the other hand evenly becomes thinner. Hair loss on a woman is usually harder because women are known to relatively have more hair than men and some women would rather go naked than be bald.

Don’t despair though because there are vitamins that are being sold in the market that can actually make the hair much healthier than before. Most of these are very important hair skin and nails vitamins. Vitamin A is known to make the scalp healthier. Vitamin E is being studied to finalize if it can actually cure hair loss or can be used to prevent hair loss and Vitamin C is a well known anti oxidant that can eliminate toxins that might cause the loss of hair.

There are also other essentials that can be good for the hair such as Biotin and Insitol. Biotin produces Keratin and Insitol actually helps in keeping the hair follicles healthy. These can be found in certain foods such as different fruits and vegetables and even red meat, liver, fish and turkey.

There are some cosmetics in the market such as shampoos, conditioners and sprays that claim that they contain vitamin essentials for the hair. There are not enough evidences to really state that they are telling the whole truth when it comes to products so it is wise not to rely alone on cosmetic products. It is advisable that you still take the essential vitamin capsules to ensure that your hair and even other parts of your body will remain strong and healthy.

There are websites on the internet that talks about different hair products and vitamins and the benefits that you can reap from it. You can choose to buy these products online or you can choose to buy them from the nearest store from your home.

Do remember though, taking hair vitamins are still medications and it would be best to consult your doctor or physician first to ensure that you are taking the correct dosage for you.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Flaxseed oil benefits & issues

Omega 3 fatty acids actually have a lot of benefits. Other than the fact that it is known to be good for the heart, there are studies now which state that Omega 3 is also good for the brain. This is because there are people that say that it can help people concentrate more on what they are trying to do. It can also help people think more and just recently has shown that it can also help people become less depressed.

Omega 3 is also good for the skin particularly for those who are in their teenage years. This is because it helps in balancing the natural hormones of the body and will result the excess oil that can cause pimple breakouts and acne.

It is also known to help in breaking down cholesterol and will help prevent the build up of new cholesterol. This is the reason why it is recommended for people who would like to build muscles or lose weight.

One of the sources of Omega 3 is flax seed. Flax seed is better known to fight mild to moderate indigestion but now it is the choice of many people who would like to get their daily dose Omega 3.

Flax seed is actually inexpensive and can be bought in health food stores. It can be eaten as a snack or as an adornment to a meal. Some people love sprinkling flax seeds on their salad or cereal. Just remember that flax seed cannot be heated because the heat will change its natural components and it will not be beneficial anymore.

Before taking in large amounts of it after reading all about the numerous flaxseed benefits, it is still best that you consult your doctor first. It is recommended though that the maximum amount is three tablespoons twice a day. There are also flax seed supplements and capsules that can be taken on a daily basis although do take note that fish oil supplements and capsules will tend to contain more omega 3.

It is also best to take in a lot of water when consuming flax seeds and also, flax seeds should be refrigerated at all times. Like other food, flax seed also has a best before seal and it is wise to check the best before seal first before buying the product.

It is not impossible to see why flax seed is the choice of people who would still want their dose of Omega 3 because it is inexpensive and easy to buy. While it does not have all of the fish oil benefits it does contain some of its own benefits and shares the most important ones since it also contains omega 3 fatty acids. Also it has the advantage of not having many of the fish oil side effects. For those who are still not including Omega 3 as a part of their diets, do try taking flax seed because it is worth it.